Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Mastering The Blog

 The discipline to sit and write is the essence of  blogging. While deciding on a topic,  choosing a slant, and developing great content with excellent word choices create the sum of the parts, the ability to strap yourself to the keyboard, resist the pull of distractions and move towards the writing is to me, the aspect of blogging most difficult to master. 

In Conclusion

Spontaneity being the opposite of procrastination, means do it now, versus do it later.  One gets done the other doesn't. 

Obstacle #3 Procrastination

So if rational thought isn't the ticket then what?  Action.  But that takes time, and time is what I don't have.  Wrong.  Action takes energy, time is what a rational fellow, tells himself  he doesn't  have, but time is self-organizing, and while energy gets things done, time is simply a unit of measure, not a barrier.  Nor is time in any form, a facilitator.  Time and energy are as different as eating and being hungry.  Problem solved. 

Obstacle #3 Procrastination

What is clear, is that looking at the problem (of not being able to focus on writing) rationally is not working as rationalizing is at the heart of the problem, that is, rationalizing is the reason I convince myself not to take on more in the first place.  So, to do so would be to act impetuous, or irrational so I don't, we can't.  So I stay stuck, yet rational. Moving forward.

 Obstacle #3 Procrastination

In my own case, procrastination comes down to seeing as reality the myth that I do not have any room on my plate.  Fear--is the cause of my non-productivity.  Measures, extreme measures are needed to break the cycle. Perhaps it is a fear of being too busy, telling myself that I don't even have enough time to do the "to dos" on my list. What to do?

 Obstacle #2. Honey Do's

I always have honey do's. They occupy the same time slot available for writing.  A decision needs to be made, a commitment given. They'll have to learn to coexist.   I know that as soon as I move away from this keyboard, any writing time I have for today is lost. Don't leave.  The honey do can wait, and will probably get done better as a result of gratifying my desire to write. I'm doing a porch remodel.  

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Avoiding procrastination

 Obstacle #1.Initiative
It is likely that in my case,  blogging demands the initiative to produce--spontaneously.  Initiative, where does it come from?  Overlooking that voice of laziness that is programmed to go off anytime my "routine" is threatened.
Simply put, initiative means telling myself, "Do it now and it'll get done, procrastinate--later-and it won't.